Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit RENXT-I-67 Allow a solicitor to only view the constituents who are assigned to them..

Provide an option to limit fundraisers' access to only constituent records in their portfolio Merged

For volunteer fundraisers (i.e., not advancement staff), we need to limit access to constituent records so that they can view only those in their own portfolio (those to which they have been assigned as solicitor).  The only way we can do this currently is a multi-step process:  1) Add a unique constituent code to a volunteer fundraiser's prospects ("Joe Smith prospect"), 2) create a unique security group for each fundraiser, and 3) use the SECURITY BY CONSTITUENCY option, granting access to only that constituency code for each fundraiser's individual security "group."  Cumbersome to set up and tedious to keep current, for a campaign that involves dozens of volunteer fundraisers, and several hundred prospects.

  • Guest
  • Jan 24 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open