Make the solicitor list in work center sort alphabetically

In control panel, when you give a group permission to view other people's portfolios it adds a drop down menu of solicitor names to the work center.  The order of this solicitor list appears to be random or possibly by user-added's hard to tell.  It would be much easier to find the user whose portfolio we're wanting to view if the list was sorted alphabetically by default.

  • Eric Baerg
  • Mar 20 2015
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  • Jen Claudy commented
    April 22, 2015 17:34

    Finally remembered to look at this.  Unfortunately, while the change is somewhat helpful, it introduced another click (I think it was just a drop down and now you click on [Change Solicitor] and then open the drop down).  Also, our usernames are firstname lastname, which means that our list is now alphabetical by firstname, not lastname.  Better than just a random list, but could still be better.  =)

  • Deleted User commented
    April 08, 2015 16:15

    This should be implemented! Please check your solicitor list and it should be sorted alphabetically now. It should also not be including inactive solicitors as well!  Thanks for the feedback! 

  • Jen Claudy commented
    March 31, 2015 22:00

    Could the drop down be based on a query?  (Like RE:7 User-Defined Business Rules.)  Or a list maintained in Control Panel where I (as the DBA) can select, and even set an order, on what names appear in the drop down.  (Like RE:7 Config>Tables.)

  • Guest commented
    March 25, 2015 17:27

    I think this is a great idea.  Right now we have 14 solicitors in our pick list which takes a while for the eyes to isolate the one solicitor I want to see.  

    I also like the idea of having it limited or grouped by security groups where you could quickly eliminate security groups of people whose work centers are more a fomality.  For example, they are marked a solicitor because they are a trustee, but we don't necessarily need to see their work center.  I'd love a quick way to either eliminate them visually or from the list.