Add indicator that shows whether a participant is a constituent or non--constituent

Could we please get some indication if participant has a full constituent record or not? This affects everything from nickname to graduation year being available for events nametags and reports.

  • Samantha McGuin
  • Feb 1 2019
  • Shipped
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  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    July 23, 2019 14:26

    This feature has shipped! You can now add in an additional column for Constituent ID, that will show either the Constituent ID or indicate that the participant is not a constituent. @Keri Barnhart we did explore an icon possibility, but couldn't make it work in a way that was useful. We'll keep an eye on future possibilities like that.

  • Keri Barnhart commented
    June 05, 2019 19:05

    Thanks, Samantha - that looks useful!

    I wish there were an easy, accessible way to put a little icon after the participant/relationship's name, so we could reduce the number of columns in play on smaller devices (side-scrolling lists is difficult on my tablet), but I understand there are a lot of limitations to something like that - not least of which is that the little icons for DNC or Inactive haven't always displayed consistently across browsers.

  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    June 05, 2019 18:00

    We're close to finalizing a design for this and we'll be lighting this up later this summer. Here's a preview of what this will look like on a participant list. Comments welcome!

  • Keri Barnhart commented
    June 05, 2019 16:25

    Following up - we still really need this! If we move most of our event review/management to NXT, we need to be able to know if we need to go into the database view to link a participant to a constituent record.

    (this is also needed for relationships/non-constituent records in general in NXT, not just event participants)

  • Alex Bishop-Thorpe commented
    February 26, 2019 23:02

    Agreed - this is very important for us as well

  • +1