Ability to Filter by Fund for both Analysis and Prospecting Scores

It would be great to have the ability to filter a donor or list of donors by a fund or several selected funds and have all of the analytics correspond with those gifts associated with those funds.

(e.g. If you filter only capital fund 2016, capital fund 2017, and annual fund 2017 the donor's relationship to your organization will only be based on those funds and their next ask amount would only be based on the analytical background and the giving patterns based on gifts from these funds)

  • Marilyn Garvey
  • Jun 15 2017
  • Attach files
  • xochitl nisbet commented
    June 25, 2018 17:05

    we need to view list of and analysis of constituents that gave to a certain fund(s) to see who is newly acquired/renewed (upgrade/downgrade)/lapsed