using fund attributes in the analyze fundraising section of RE NXT

Our users would like to be able to filter on more fields in Analyze Fundraising section of RE NXT.  We have created several fund attributes that would be beneficial in creating new dashboards in the Analyze Fundraising section.

  • Guest
  • May 23 2017
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    • Guest commented
      August 28, 2019 12:20

      Gift Attribute filtering would be very helpful as well!  We can't pull an accurate revenue report without them.

    • John Bird commented
      January 03, 2018 03:13

      Fund ID and Fund Attributes would make this usable for us please...

    • Shelly Van Peursem commented
      October 05, 2017 20:58

      Fund attributes or Constituent attributes would help us filter by region.  we have a 6 region database and right now the analyze feature has to be Enterprise wide....