Birthday in List Results and as Filter option

It would be great to be able to see birthday and/or age in Constituent Lists. I also think an added filter on the birth date field (for constituent lists) could be really helpful.

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  • May 17 2017
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  • Guest commented
    April 02, 2019 14:52

    This ability to narrow down searched by birth date is a great feature! This is especially beneficial for determining our planned giving strategy, which is typically geared towards older constituents in our database.

    I did have one observation that I think could improve this feature and make it even more beneficial for Raiser's Edge NXT users. If we could add the birth year to the search in addition to the birth date and month, that would give us another level to refine searches.

    Right now, we can search by age, but if we wanted to find a list of individuals who are turning 70 years old in the month of April, the current search features (to my knowledge at this time) would give us individuals who may already be 70. For example, we could search for birthdates between 4/1 and 4/30, but no option for the year. To refine this list, we would add 'age 70' but that gives us individuals who are already 70 and those who are turning 70.

    Research Point allows us to search by the year in which constituents are born, so it would be great if this could be applied to NXT as well.

  • Blake Moody commented
    March 01, 2019 13:19

    This was a great idea with a lot of benefits. You will now see the ability to filter to birthdate by several options, as well select the birthdate as a column in Lists.

  • Melissa Graves commented
    August 20, 2018 20:00

    Ya - thanks for the birthday tag but now when you filter on those with the tag, the list can't show their actual birthdate. Ummmmm?

  • Jennica Date commented
    August 15, 2017 20:32

    I agree! I have to run this report out of database view currently and it would great if our gift officers could run it themselves with a simple filter. Since NXT was made with executives and gift officers in mind, this is a no-brainer.