Duplicate Management - Don't Allow Matches on Name Only

When reviewing possible duplicates in RENXT webview, we are seeing thousands of false positive matches (0 dots) where there are records with just a name (i.e. a tribute record or other. Would it be possible to update the algorithm to not consider possible matches where there is only a name in the record? The name isn't enough to identify whether a record is a match (i.e. which of the 9 John Smiths with different addresses is the same John Smith who has a record with just a name? this example would generate 10 possible duplicates as the "name only" is possibly matched to all the other John Smiths on just the name field)

I realize that records with just a name is a future cleanup/data retention project (or a lot of checking "not duplicate" boxes), but for now, they are adding a lot of noise to the the possible duplicates total. I am assuming that we are not the only organization this is impacting?

  • Donella Robb
  • Nov 26 2024
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