Allow Export of Last Pledge Payment/Installment Information

We need to send acknowledgement letters for Pledge Payments. We acknowledge the last payment amount, last payment date, last payment/installment number, the original pledge amount and the balance.

We pull our letter exports by batch using either the Mail function or Export. Currently, it is not possible to pull the last installment date in either function, instead you have to pull all of the installments then manually put all of the last pledges in the same column for the mail merge.

Example: Thank you for your payment of {gift amount} on {gift date}. This is the {installment number} towards your pledge of {pledge amount} leaving a balance of {pledge balance}.

  • Susan Fioribello
  • May 15 2024
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Debbie DeGrave commented
      November 04, 2024 19:07

      We run a variety of analytic reports where the last pledge installment date is helpful.

    • Crystal Morgan commented
      July 03, 2024 19:39

      Yes! Having the pledge balance stored on every pay-cash record as a lookup field is a no brainer imo