We are a Bar Foundation, our constituents are all attorneys, most working for law firms. We need a way to display the organization in the portal not just the address, phone, and email.
Currently we keep all past and current law firm information in the relationship tab in database view for our constituents. The organization name (law firm name) does not appear in the contact information in NXT, nor does it appear in the portal. Since portal changes automatically update in NXT when constituents are changing the address, it causes a problem because the firm name can't be updated. We have to check portal activity, see the address change, go into database view, undo the changes, Google search to find the new firm name, then create a new organization relationship in database so it appears correct in NXT.
Also, if preferred name was visible in the portal that would be helpful. Constituents that use nicknames are constantly updating their portal profile when we have that information in a different field.