It would be helpful to be able to change gift types for gifts that are produced using an NXT form. We have attempted to use the NXT form for transactions involving a gift and non-gift split. However, we must require BlackBaud to delete batch due to inability to change the default gift type of one-time gift. In the end gifts are having to be entered in on the backend in Database View.
Same issue! Please find a way to address so we don't have to do any of these workarounds. Thanks.
Tried the new forms (loved those btw), but ran into an issue where because the gift type cannot be changed our distribution to the GL went completely awry. Online gifts are not cash gifts, but the gift type defaults to one-time gift which is mapped to cash? I also need the ability to change the gift type to Other and had to remake a number of gifts (and just live with the $0 mistakes in the database forever because those gifts also cannot be deleted in any way - thanks for that). Literally a total dealbreaker for us on the new forms. I cannot use any of these new systems until we find a workaround or some kind of solution for this.
Allowing us to change they Gift Type in NXT Batch would be very useful. Event registrations are not a donation and need to have the Gift Type of OTHER. Currently I must add a $0.00 gift in the batch. Then after it is approved either split out the amount when Benefits are involved, or change the amount over to the Other Gift Type gift, and delete the One-time gift. This doubles my work when using NXT registration forms.