Donor lists on reports include all gift types - this is wrong

On all of the canned Reports/Dashboards - the donor counts include all gift types by design. This isn't helpful because you can't exclude certain gift types. I would like to exclude Gift in kind, pledges, written off pledges, gift type "other" (which we use to track event payments, not gifts). So you click on the donor counts (acquired donors for instance) and you think you'll get a list of the donors that correspond to the "Acquired Revenue" but it doesn't match at all because the "Acquired Revenue" is using the gift types that you set up in Settings as "Received Revenue". In this case I'm getting people who paid to attend an event showing up as an "acquired donor" when they shouldn't be counted as donors at all. This is true of any of the reports/dashboards where you click on a "donor" metric.

  • Lorna Ruemper
  • Mar 20 2023
  • Attach files