Allow RE NXT Insights to Add Lists

Right now, you can add Const IDs one at a time in RE NXT Insights. However, this functionality would be much improved if one was able to link to a query (as with RE Databased View Export) to add the list or to drop in a list of 500 Const IDs at one time (as with RE Database View Query - "One of" function).

  • James Sardina
  • Jan 3 2023
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • James Sardina commented
      January 04, 2023 17:29

      Please add percent response as a field that can be added to insights so it can be seen in Dashboard. Currently the number of solicitations exists in Database View and as a result Reports can be generated that provide the percent response as a KPI. Since this is a fundamental metric with broad appeal to your clients please add this to RE NXT.