A way to organize lists

In RE I extensively use folders in Query and Export in order to keep everything organized. I would like to be able to do the same things with Lists in NXT. I've built quite a few Constituent lists in NXT and it's hard to look through all of them to find what I want.

  • Karen Stuhlfeier
  • Nov 14 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Hillary Cote commented
      May 22, 2024 13:26

      We have hundreds of lists. I find myself having to "sort" by department using specific conventions so that the departments can search to learn if their list already exists prior to asking me for the data to be pulled again.
      The problem with List is that most gift officers still ask the Advancement Services team to pull them, because they are used to that flow. However, some officers, new to the industry, perhaps, ARE building Lists. So we have a mess of Lists with a varying degree of accuracy., but they aren't in folders, can't be searched (very well) and have no real way to be culled. So the same data - is requested over and over, or pulled and saved with varying names. If officers could save to their folders, or Advancement Services could direct to a folder, that would be so helpful!

    • Elizabeth Sarkady commented
      November 28, 2023 16:13

      Having a folder for constituent lists that are for marketing emails would be AMAZING!

    • Shannon Moats commented
      March 04, 2021 18:48

      It would also be great for administrators to be able to see all lists regardless of who created them. It is challenging to keep tabs on what everyone is using for data points when they can hide lists from everyone else.

    • Howard Marmorstein commented
      July 22, 2019 20:36

      it would be great to allow one to sort lists by Creating or Modify date or even User who created/modified it

    • Jen Claudy commented
      November 15, 2017 03:08

      NXT Lists remind me of 7's Reports.  Very difficult to navigate or find a specific one.  Hoping this was the plan all along and we're not taking a permanent step backwards from organizing in folders to organizing only by pre-determined category/type.  I'd rather see all Lists in one big folder/list than have to know whether I'm looking for a Constituent List or an Action List.