Ability to select Notepad Type for Action Notes when creating the Action in NXT

When adding a new Action in NXT, we can add a Note, but there is no Notepad Type option available. The Note is automatically entered with an "NXT" Type. However, if we save the Action without adding a Note, and then edit the Action to add a Note, we can select from the database view Action Notepad Types at that point. We would like the ability to select one of our pre-determined Action Notepad Types when adding a Note to the Action when it is created in NXT

  • Meghan Ogren
  • Nov 15 2016
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    • Guest commented
      February 02, 2024 20:21

      This is a major oversight... should have been recognized before launch. Who wants a notepad type of "entered from webview" then save and have the fundraiser go BACK into the note and change it. Shamefully inefficient! Of course we want this necessary field added.

    • Noor Azrie Petra bin Noor Azman commented
      August 18, 2023 06:14

      It has been almost 7 years now.

      I think this is essential to have if people are using security by notepad type on the database. It will be also helpful to be able to include this in the List and Reporting filter.

      Also please update the Outlook action integration to so people can select action note type.

    • Bonnie Chamberlin commented
      February 14, 2022 19:00

      Getting very disappointed with Blackbaud's products. Loss of important functions switching to NXT on top of loss of Crystal Reports integration and Microsoft. Our jobs are getting more complicated as the software is becoming less.

    • Julie Hiland commented
      November 15, 2021 19:12

      Please. You can add an action, save, then click back into it to adjust the action note type. But what busy gift officer is going to do that??

    • Maya Rosman commented
      August 21, 2020 20:50

      Yes. Please do this. There is no reason why my gift officers shouldn't be able to select form our existing and useful categories. For one particular type of note, we use the note category to kick off other processes we've set up for ourselves, so this is particularly frustrating.

      In the past, we weren't entering that kind of note in webview, but because of a process change due to remote board meetings in light of COVID, these actions are now being entered by our gift officers and it's ridiculous that they have to do an second step on an entirely new screen in order for these to show up properly in our process.

      They have to create the action, save it, click the link to it, select the note to edit and the they can finally see the note type drop down to fix it. That is a lot of click in a system that is supposed to streamline things for gift officers. Please add the note type drop down to the initial entry screen.

    • Lori Kelly commented
      June 28, 2018 23:15

      I am adding my own heartfelt plea for this to be escalated because we use Security by Notepad type to lock down the Action Note. We need everyone in the organization to see the action itself (to know we are having frequent contact with a constituent) but the Action Notes under a particular Notepad Type need to locked down because they contain confidential client notes.

    • Guest commented
      April 20, 2018 15:20

      The ability to review an action list with a team/manager necessitates opening each record to look at the assigned action. It does not permit one to show the note type, note description (summary of activity), or the note field. The absence of showing the note description line, especially, proves vexing both in NXT action list and in the database when using the action detail report because without the action description showing, it's like reading a newspaper without headlines.

      The note field is used to describe the outcome of the activity and the note description is the step taken or intended. The action list in NXT and database reporting functions are like using blunt instruments instead of refined tools. The only way to truly look at the information holistically is to create an custom export which defeats the purpose of NXT as a fleet prospect management tool.

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