Provide performance stats (open/click rate %) for ALL sent emails, not just the 5 most recent or last 6 months average.

  • Audrey Starr
  • Jan 4 2022
  • Attach files
  • Jenny Traslavina commented
    November 30, 2022 18:18

    Ditto to what everyone else has said. This is super important, and was an important feature that was heavily sold to me in our demos when choosing NXT. It is very dissappointing to see that we can't actually get perfomrance statistics for more than 5 of the most recent emails and will be detrimental to our overall fundraising efforts if we don't have access to historial performance stats of all emails year to year.

  • Guest commented
    June 23, 2022 18:07

    Please provide historical open rate, click rate, transaction rate, for all emails sent from RE NXT. This statistic is important for Year over Year email performance measurement, comparison of specific emails. These are email communication standard metrics for every organization and it's unfortunate that this feature is not yet available and stats disappear in RENXT as time goes by.

  • Tim O'Keefe commented
    May 16, 2022 16:10

    Please add this feature as the data is so valuable down the road, but not accessible a few days after the email is sent because of our volume of emails going through NXT. Also, a heat map would be awesome and the ability to save a PDF of the final email would be helpful!