Import Profile Pictures

We have a file with jpegs of all the pictures of our parents that we would like to import to their RE record.  Don't see where that is possible right now.  I think this would even be useful for orgs that are using some of Steve Stegelin's ideas from his blog

  • Candace Chesler
  • Aug 2 2016
  • Attach files
  • Christine McMinn commented
    August 06, 2016 23:15

    Just re-read and realized that you want to import them...not sure my previous comment is accurate.  Sorry!

  • Christine McMinn commented
    August 06, 2016 23:03

    You may want to contact support if you're unable to do this because I believe that this already is possible in NXT.  If you have RE7 only, you can upload photos to the Media tab.