Giving statement email and filter changes

It would be helpful to have the ability to choose which email to send to.

The ability to preview the consolidated receipt before sending would be very beneficial.

Having more filters would be helpful. Like constituent code and receives consolidated receipts

Customization: adding text, a logo, signature, etc. would be great. It would eliminate the need to send a precursor email.

  • Wendy Bondeson
  • Jan 15 2021
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Arianna Sikorski commented
      November 09, 2022 20:22

      This request is in multiple places, please be sure to vote on the highest voted one: "Customized PDF of giving statement and receipts with our OWN WORDING and BRANDING"

    • Shoshana Djaker commented
      February 15, 2022 15:20

      Great idea!!! i posted an idea very similar today - and when i see that you posted over a year earlier than mine, i have very little hope they'll fix it one day! I cant believe they havent worked on it yet....

    • Meredith Friedman commented
      October 06, 2021 15:48

      The giving statements need to be MUCH more customizable - just like the receipt template - and you definitely need to be able to preview it before it gets sent. It also needs to be editable before sending in case you need to change the way something appears on the list. It should include the gift and the fund for certain.

    • Maggie Petray commented
      September 17, 2021 14:51

      Thank you so much for getting this idea going Wendy! I'm trying to rally votes so this can happen in time for this year's annual statements!

    • Keith Wilson commented
      August 23, 2021 14:05

      @Blackbaud--why can you select Email Type for Marketing emails in NXT but you can't select Email Type for Gift Receipting emails?!? Why, why, why???? Please make this available now!!!