DeceasedFinder Export to include more fields (constit ID)

DeceasedFinder has identified more records than I can take care of in the immediate future (find obituaries, marking deceased, etc.). It would be helpful to have the constituent IDs included in the export and/or have the option of creating a list so I can see which records need my immediate attention vs. the records I can let lie low.

  • Timothy Smith
  • Jan 13 2021
  • Attach files
  • Adrienne Barton commented
    October 21, 2021 19:37

    I agree. It would also be helpful to have Constituent Code as a field option, the ability to add additional fields to the list to help us sort and the abaility to sort based on multiple fields not just their impact rating field.

  • Susan Fountain commented
    April 02, 2021 13:05

    Yes, I agree, I would like to concentrate on constituents first, then relationships. I have 880 to research and my recent score card came over with 17 deceased constituents. I will have to work my way through all of them to find the 17 Constituents?