It would be helpful to be able to export and filter multiple duplicates. If we could export including constituent id, we could build a list of those who have prospect manager assignments and prioritize those. Also, if we could filter the possible duplicate list, we would have a better idea as to how many "true duplicates" we have in the system, meaning those with the highest likelihood.
Who wants to sit looking at 81,883 records? Please allow at least a filter on other criteria like Match Rating or province/state or activity like Events or Gifts. It helps prioritize the records that need to be merged. Thank you.
It would be helpful to review the entire list. Also to compare to other lists of potential duplicates (manual, database-based). Doing these one by one is very tedious.
Would love to be able to export and manipulate the list of duplicates. Or, increase the sorting functionality so that you can search by most recently added constituents.
Absolutely agree with this! The Possible Duplicates tool is only useful if someone was to sit there and manually merge each set of duplicates. For a database like ours where we have a very large number of duplicates, it is not a useful tool. It gives us an overall quantity of duplicates, but we can't then do anything useful with those results. We use the Mass Merge plugin in database view to find and merge duplicates, but its a much more manual process of splitting our data up into manageable queries and then running duplicate checks on it. If we could simply export the Possible Duplicates results from NXT into a query that we could load into the Mass Merge plugin that would be amazingly helpful. Filtering would be extremly useful because the Possible Duplicates list does not filter out inactive records. Our merging policy is to make records inactive but not delete them, so even though we have merged thousands of records in database view, these still show up as Possible Duplicates in Webview. It's very frustrating.