Consecutive years giving

  • Carolyn Copp
  • Dec 1 2020
  • Attach files
  • Carolyn Copp commented
    December 01, 2020 19:44

    I am interested in reporting/filtering on consecutive years giving. In db view I can run the Consecutive Years Giving report and I can export it. However, I can't create an export showing the consecutive years giving field.

    In webview, the number of consecutive years giving is provided on the constituent record, but I can't create a constituent list using that number.

    I've also noticed that there is a difference between what the dbview and webview report as the # of consecutive years. I'd like to have a report that gives me the ConsID, Name, # Years Consec Giving, Total Gift Amount, Total # Gifts, First Gift Date/amount, Last Gift Date/Amount and Largest Gift Date/Amount. Thanks!