E-Mail: Can you look into having the ability to see what links respondents are traveling too.

We switched from Constant Contact to NXT email. One of the best features of Constant Contact was the ability to see what people clicked on. Help us to understand their interests.

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  • Jul 30 2020
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    Kylee Long commented
    July 31, 2020 14:46

    Yes, so you would be able to do two things. You could either assign an Action based on the link clicked OR you can send an email to the constituent based on the link they clicked. We are about to release the Email Automation in Workflow Designer to all clients, so that will be available to you as well for this use case. If we use the example I had above, if someone clicked on the Volunteer link, you could send them and email with information about all of your upcoming volunteer opportunities, or ways to get more involved. It's a great way to customize the communication based on your constituent's interests so that you can truly communicate to them about things that will be engaging to them.

    This is something we absolutely have planned, but I'll have to update timing on here a bit later once I have more information on when it might become available. I will also pass this idea along to the Email team so that they are aware of this need as well.

  • Guest commented
    July 31, 2020 14:06

    Overall, yes. Would it operate similar to the workflow now - comes up with actions? And, actually - it may be better if it comes out through workflow with actions connected to it. Constant Contact does not at this point which is harder and more labor intensive. Please keep me posted.

  • Admin
    Kylee Long commented
    July 31, 2020 13:34

    Hi! Thanks for posting this idea. We do have plans to do something similar to this with the Workflow Designer automation tool in RENXT. Our plan is that you will be able to conditionally branch (if/then) a workflow based on the link that a constituent clicks in an email. For example, if you have an email that has 3 links, one to Donate, one to Volunteer, and one to Learn More, you can design the workflow so that the constituents that click on the Donate link, go down a different path and receive different communications than the constituents who click on the Volunteer/Learn More links. Does this sound like something that would give you what you are looking for? Or do you just want a way to see a list of the people that clicked on a certain link?