Ability to save multiple of Footers for Email in NXT as Templates

Currently because all of our campuses share NXT, the Privacy and Unsubscribe footer in email has only one option. The workaround is to change it for each campus, send the email and then save back to the default. https://www.screencast.com/t/acI4AVxe

That workaround is not sustainable. We need each of our campuses to function without confusing donors.

  • Sandra Thomas
  • Jul 7 2020
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Mark Bezanson commented
      November 30, 2023 18:30

      Having this feature would let us move away from doing our emails in Netcommunity.

    • Michelle Biscotti commented
      August 12, 2022 15:30

      I would love the ability to change everything about that section just as we can change font, color, etc in every other section. It makes no sense to be locked out of our own information.

    • Rebekah Craig commented
      May 26, 2021 12:05

      Would also love the ability to change what the link itself says. Our organization needs to send emails in both French and English, so even if we were to use this workaround, the French email would still say "Privacy Policy" and "Unsubscribe" in English.

      Having the ability to choose different footers for EN and FR emails (or even have one overall that has a link that reads both EN and FR) would allow us to comply with bilingual email requirements

    • Michelle Ruth commented
      January 12, 2021 13:06

      Perhaps we could have multiple Privacy policy statements, and when building an email, you could select the appropriate Privacy Policy for that mailing.