Currently you can only see the honeycomb on "Recent emails". When clicking on "View all sent emails" you no longer have this option. It is nice to be able to see the additional options with percentages, etc.
This should be standard information to get out of NXT and is key to analyzing direct marketing and fundraising emails. Please add this feature. It's hard to understand why this is available for only the last 5 or 6 emails. It's year end giving time and not being able to view the honeycomb (and have access to that infomration on a downloadable report) for ALL emails costs us fundraising dollars.
This should be standard information to get out of NXT and is key to analyzing direct marketing and fundraising emails. Please add this feature. It's hard to understand why this is available for only the last 5 or 6 emails. It's year end giving time and not being able to view the honeycomb (and have access to that infomration on a downloadable report) for ALL emails costs us fundraising dollars.
Please please please! And also an ability to export a simple CSV form of the performance with the click rates, etc...
Please make this happen Blackbaud! The extra data in honeycomb view is very important for direct marketing emails.