Gift List or Constituent List need addtional Column Options & Filtering

I'm finding if I go into gift listings I don't have the options I need for a specific list like the fundraiser name (assigned staff). Then I go into Constituent list and I don't have the gift column that I need. It would be greatly helpful if there would some more options available when working with lists - filters and columns.

  • Paula Best
  • Mar 4 2020
  • Attach files
  • Tamar Novick commented
    December 01, 2022 21:38

    I agree! There need to be more Column Options! Every single field should be an option.

  • Kim Trafton commented
    February 04, 2022 15:12

    I agree - Top priority would be a Fundraiser column option in all lists. This is our number one criteria request. I have to run ID's through a query, export the list, and then add the Fundraiser column to the list export.

  • Kristin Gilbert commented
    August 13, 2020 21:56

    Agreed - I would love to be able to look at a lot of the constituent details from a gift list or more gift details when looking at a constituent list.