In our organization we create custom appeal codes for Events so we know where gifts/fees are coming from and why. I have been testing out the NXT Forms and noticed that when an Event is given an appeal(through the database is currently the only way to do so) that appeal does not transfer over to the gift details in the batch. Would this be a possible fix? It would beneficial for us to know which online gifts/fees are associated to which event.
We now offer the ability to set default appeal and package for event payments.
To help you track raised funds from an event, you can now set a default appeal and package for registration fee payments (in addition to campaign and fund). For more information, see Fees.
You can also set a default fund, campaign, package, and appeal for additional donations from online registration forms. For more information, see Online Registration Form Get Started.
I am so incredibly disappointed to come here and find this suggestion from 4 years ago has not been implemented. The half-baked integration of Events into the rest of the gift data structure is bizarre. What benefit are users/orgs gaining from not having appeals attached to these gifts? What benefit are we gaining from not being able to assign fees to package or appeals? Additionally, I've noticed that "donation" portions of gifts made during event registration are not able to be assigned a Campaign. Wacky stuff.
When an event is created, there should be an option to copy event info as an appeal or vice versa. 100% of our events are appeals and the fees are packages. It's a waste of time to enter this information twice. Especially when it comes to calculating benefits and receipt amounts. Event fields should include Campaign, Fund, Appeal, Package, and default gift letter.
How - in the world could the ability to add an APPEAL to the NXT event forms is beyond me. Blackbaud - work your magic and make it so!
please add option to specify a default appeal for an event! the absence of this causes us a lot of extra work!
We have several open events at a time populating the gift management batches - our gift processor cannot determine which event the donations are coming from without an appeal. This would be extremely helpful. Agree with Beth: we also need to track WHAT they are purchasing, the fee amount etc.
If someone makes an additional donation they are coming in as split gifts. NXT loves a split gift - meanwhile two entries, one as a fee, and one as a legit donation would be a much better processing method on our end. Like how they were processed in RE7.
Please add this function.
Blackbaud -- PLEASE add this!!! Thank you!!!
Seems to me that from the RE trainings that an appeal is a solicitation method that resulted in the gift. Isn't that what an event does? Should make sense to have them connected in some way.
How on earth is this not an option yet. Using appeals is how you track where gifts are sourced. Without this option I'll have to go into each gift individually to add the appeal? What nonsense.
It would be even better if you could assign packages to different fee levels as well. We rely on this data to report!
It amazes me that an event appeal/packages cannot be automatically added to gifts coming through the event registration. (NXT event module) Please please please fix this!!
Yes! That would be perfect!
Ah, that makes sense! If we were to allow you to configure to an actual appeal on the event, like we do the fund and campaign, that would then be written for payments from the backoffice and online registration form, would that suit your needs?
In the Event Attributes we have an Event Gift Appeal ID category and in the descriptions goes the actual appeal ID. The appeal ID shows up in NXT under custom fields but no where else.
Hi! Thanks for submitting your Idea!
Can you clarify where in database view you're giving an Event an appeal?
Samantha McGuin
Principal Product Manager, Events