Export NXT Wealth Ratings by Category.

It would be save lots of time to be able to export the NXT Wealth Data by Category. The way it is now, being able to export only by Source, means the data is not 'siloed' into a column. This is particularly problematic since NXT uses the same "Name" for different data. For example an "A" in a column could be an A for overall wealth Rating (5 Stars-yeah!) or an A for Donor type (Annual-not yeah). We export this data all the time for quarterly mailing follow-ups and it can take hours to 'sort out' the exported wealth data so it is usable for the fundraisers. It also has to be exported with contact info (phones, emails, other cities) as well as giving data, so "Export from Query" does not work, nor does "Report.

  • Kathy Howes
  • Apr 25 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    July 12, 2022 12:35

    absolutely. So frustrating not being able to.

  • Sandra Iuppa commented
    August 25, 2021 16:43

    100% agree with this. It is ridiculous that we have to guess on the number of columns we will need to see this information. Why even let us export this information if it is going to take so much time to manipulate a spreadsheet and potentially cause human error. I needs to function like pulling out specific phone types or solicit codes.

  • Guest commented
    January 08, 2021 20:16

    I absolutely agree! I came here to make the same suggestion, and was glad to see it already here. This functionality is available in Export for many other tabs/data (phones, attributes) - where users can click and drag the category into the right panel and see the little stacked glyph that opens to allow us to specify which category/type to export. So I'd think it could be relatively easy for Blackbaud to replicate it wealth rating categories and descriptions.