Emails via RE NXT - customized the messaging when people are unsubscribing

RE NXT have the function to create emails (in Marketing Tool)  or newsletters from a customized or formatted template. It is great as you can link the email to a list from your database and the tool is very user friendly. There's an option to have an "unsubscribed" button for people that wishes to opt-outs. When people click on the button, the person get prompt to an automated email mentioning that they have unsubscribed from the mailing list. Unfortunately, you can't customized this area. For us, it would useful to be able to ask contacts what information they don't want to receive from us and why. In RE NXT, you have the possibility to create different attributes in the "Consent" tab and in "Communication" preferences" tab to see their communication preferences and  what information the donors wishes & don't want to receive. How can we track that information if we can't have the proper tools to track it? 

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  • May 15 2019
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