Need the ability to export and report on days in status - it's there but we can't pull a report on a group of prospects and their days in status

Fundraisers, VP, Chief Development Officers, Prospect Managers would all benefit from this feature

  • Guest
  • Nov 2 2018
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  • Karen Diener commented
    June 14, 2022 12:08

    This is such a key piece of information for major gift work that I'm baffled why it hasn't been part of the software since the beginning. The depth of the prospect and ask management tools is what sets Raiser's Edge apart from other software products, but this is a gaping hole.

  • Kelly Pearson commented
    April 08, 2021 14:33

    Any update on the status of this request? This is a common feature in comparable products and BB needs to address the lack of this feature in NXT.

  • Victoria Schonfeld commented
    February 11, 2021 13:43

    Please! I can't use this information strategically if I need to click on each individual record and copy and paste it somewhere else.

  • Armando Quiroz commented
    February 05, 2021 17:08

    These dates and the status changes should at least come over into RE7.

  • Bill Powers commented
    February 05, 2021 14:07

    This is a critical feature missing from NXT functionality. I'm surprised this was overlooked when NXT was being developed.

  • J U commented
    July 16, 2019 19:41

    This information would be extremely helpful in RE Database view and RE NXT web view. Many of our solicitors use the prospect status and graph to see how long a constituent has been in a certain status. Also NXT allows them to get alerts if a constituent in their fundraiser portfolio is in certain prospect status too long.

     Being able to export this prospect status and date put in the status, would be helpful for helping fundraisers manage their portfolio and for moves management purposes.

    Because this is a feature of NXT, you would think it would be logical to allow ways to export this information into excel.

    Thank you.