More filters needed in benchmarking

Unfortunately, we have a number of non-donor pass-through "gifts" in our system. Please add more custom filters in bench-marking so we can clearly separate these "gifts" out.

  • Sunshine Reinken Watson
  • Oct 18 2018
  • Attach files
  • Brent Reed commented
    February 08, 2022 18:18

    Agreed. Our benchmarking is skewed because more than half of our donors are employee donors who give through automatic payroll deduction. And while they are important and need to be stewarded just like other donors, it would be great to be able to look at non-employee donors or other constituencies.

  • Catherine Burns commented
    March 28, 2019 00:16

    I would love to be able to filter Individual vs Organisation donors. We know we don't have lots of corporate support but think our individual giving programme is very good. We have more donors than most charities in our area. But our average gift per donor looks terrible, hopefully because others have big corporate gifts included too.


    Also filters for Cash Gifts vs Regular Gifts would be very helpful too.