RE NXT Needs Attention List - Removing Tags

Currently there is not a way to remove tags from records in the Work Center area that are system generated. As we pull reports from this area sometimes the tag does not apply to the record due to internal conversations such as the system assigns "No Meeting" when the donor has no interest in support any longer. I suggest there be functionality to manually remove or globally from records the tags.

  • Guest
  • Sep 20 2018
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  • Nicholas Mascari commented
    April 08, 2022 14:16

    For anyone looking back at this post that wants to HIDE TAGS. You can bypass what Blackbaud has failed to do with a Chrome Extension. I personally use UBlock Origin, but I'm sure there are others that do the same.

    UBlock Origin by default acts as an ad blocker, but you can customize it to block specific areas on specific websites, such as tags in RE: NXT

    To hide RE: NXT tags with UBlock Origin:

    The section labeled: "How to Filter HTML Elements" will explain how to do this.

    Note: This does not remove the tags, it simply hides them so they don't take up the extra workspace that so many people have had trouble with.

    Feel free to copy/paste any of this if it helps you or your colleagues.