Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit RE7-I-3670 Add the ability to create one action for multiple constituents in NXT.

Ability to "dupilicate" action for spouse Merged

Historically actions in our organization have been added to the primary donor's record.  We have since learned that when that donor passes away, it is helpful for the same information to be on the spouse's record.  We now put notes and actions on both records.  It would be great to have the option to duplicate your action or note and add it to the spouse's record.  

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  • Nov 12 2015
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  • Lance Berg commented
    May 27, 2016 18:46

    This would be extremely useful; even the ability to add an action to multiple constituents at entry would help a lot.

  • +49