NXT Analyze Settings - filter by gift or fund attributes

We have a great deal of gift transaction records that are actually not true gifts, but rather benefits only transactions. We need to be able to filter these out when looking at our giving analytics. We would love to able to filter by either gift or fund attributes or both!

  • Guest
  • Feb 8 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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  • Rachael Walker commented
    July 02, 2020 15:20

    Ridiculous that this is still not available for funds and there is no answer from Blackbaud on any timeline for this.

  • William Tolentino commented
    October 21, 2019 17:17

    Yes, when we add gifts into Raisers Edge we put a gift attribute to decifer which department is responsible for the gift.  We cannot use Gift entry or most of the online reports without this added as a filter.

  • Margie Hill commented
    April 22, 2019 23:39

    All of our financial reporting is based on gift attributes.  We can't use any of the NXT reports until this is done.

  • Ben Pendry commented
    April 05, 2019 15:48

    Our Deans and unit leaders depend on being able to filter by funds tied to their college.  We currently house this information in a custom field and would LOVE the ability to keep these folks in web view and set up automated dashboards.  Thanks!

  • Kate Lynch commented
    February 08, 2019 17:03

    We use gift attributes as added filters on Financial reports in RE and need to have those same include/exclude options in NXT reporting to reconcile with historical reporting especially since do not have all the same gift types to select from in NXT/Reporting. 

  • Keri Barnhart commented
    March 06, 2018 14:21

    We absolutely need to be able to filter gifts by FUND TYPE and FUND ATTRIBUTES. We use these heavily to group our very disparate Fund names. The "College of Health Scholarship" and the "John J. Jingleheimer 'His Name is My Name Too' Scholarship" and the "Alumni Nurses Aid Fund" (and about 200 other funds that may or may not include "College of Health" or "CoH" or "Health" or... but also that should NOT include the "Whole Health Fine Arts Fund") all need to be reported on as a group for the college's fundraising reports, so we use Fund Type to indicate they are "College of Health" and attributes for identifying funds for specific departments within the college. ("Dept of Nursing", "Dept of Physical Therapy", "CoH - General", etc.)


    We also can't expect the fundraisers to remember the specific names of their funds, but they can't filter or search by the fund ID the way they can in the database. Most of them keep lists of the IDs, which correspond to FE account numbers, but those are static excel files that aren't always 100% matches, especially if a fundraiser transfers colleges or is new.

    We can create a static query of gifts to funds that they can use in Lists, but it has to be manually updated before being used in Lists and can't be used for the Analyze graphs, so it's basically 100% useless to our fundraisers to check recent activity before heading into a meeting with their dean, for example.

  • Jen Claudy commented
    February 13, 2018 15:22

    See also this related Idea: https://renxt.ideas.aha.io/ideas/NXT-I-10.  The second part deals with excluding some Gifts from the totals...which was done in RE7 by Campaign Category.