When a fundraiser meets with multiple prospects for an opportunity, it would be useful to link the action/contact report to multiple constituents. Needed especially for Households and Family groups- i.e.: met with Father, Mother and Daughter about a Family gift, need to know about the meeting from any of their records without duplicating actions or counts.
@Sarah Getgood -- Indeed, this is something that thankQ does much better than RE. The ability to see the last interaction with a member of a household without having to open each member's record. Soft credit actions will improve efficiencies across the board.
PLEASE!! I have to enter the same action notes so many times because of all the group meetings!
This feature is one of the few that other software like thankQ does much, much better than RE - i want all my corporate partners to have their actions soft creditable!
Please consider this!
I agree with this. Our Gift Officers meet with families for a family ask. Would love to see functionality around assigning an action to multiple constituents.