Giving Summary in NXT

Our Fundraisers and Executive Director need to see year-to-date giving at a glance from the Constituent Record.  "Working with gifts" and filtering doesn't work because it does not sum the gifts, nor can you save default filters so it's too time consuming.  Having some annualized giving information on the Giving Tile in NXT similar to the Account Giving Summary in eTapestry is very much needed.

  • Rachel Bailey
  • Feb 22 2017
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    • Julie Horvath commented
      January 03, 2024 18:47

      I would like to see the Gift subtype on the Giving history tile in RE NXT. Since so many people have their own preferences, it would be ideal to add any column the user chooses.

    • Renee Harman commented
      January 27, 2022 16:37

      It would be a time-saver if the giving history included:

      Average annual giving

      and have it broken down for prior 3 years of giving.

      to do this manually while creating a profile takes too much time.

    • Guest commented
      June 25, 2019 14:08

      I like this idea! I was thinking the same thing and to me it's more important to see calendar and fiscal giving rather than first, greatest and latest.

    • Abby Miller commented
      May 08, 2018 20:48
      On each constituent record, it would be nice to have a high-level giving summary that would include:
      Total Cash Contributions by Year
      Total In-Kind Contributions by Year
      Total Giving by Year (Sum of the above two)
      Where you could click through and see:
      Year 2016 – Total Cumulative Giving for that year – Number of Gifts that year
      Year 2015 – Total Cumulative Giving for that year – Number of Gifts that year
      And so forth and so on, providing a summary of each year’s cumulative total of gifts.