Offer secondary sort options on columns

While working in the work center, I noticed that 1st-latest-last all sort by date. It would be nice to have the option to sort by date or amount especially in the greatest column. 

  • Guest
  • Jul 1 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Jul 9, 2015

    Admin response

    We will look at this one for future consideration, but want to see how many folks want to have additional sort options when we provide columns that provide different types of data (dates and amounts for example). 

  • Attach files
  • Victoria Schonfeld commented
    July 21, 2020 14:24

    Yes please! Being able to sort by gift amount is crucial.

  • Molly Bouffard commented
    October 07, 2019 20:51

    Very basic! 

  • Federico Ippoliti commented
    April 04, 2018 09:41

    Agree with last comment. Secondary sort options is very important to prioritise opportunities and prospects. I usually like to sort by capacity and then prospect status, so I have on top the biggest ask sorted by cultivation stage or viceversa. 

  • Dan Junkins commented
    September 12, 2016 18:23

    Would love to see sort tweaked in Opportunities as well with the Amount and Date fields.  Fund raisers would like the ability to prioritize their lists by Ask and Expected Amounts.  Wouldn't it be nice to start every month with a filtered list of opportunities expected that month with the highest Asks or Expected Amounts on top? 

  • Deleted User commented
    July 09, 2015 21:09

    Thanks and that is something we were looking at (secondary sort options). We plan on handling the reporting side a little later, but will definitely offer options by post date. We know you need reconciliation tools and consistency with accounting. :) 

  • Jen Claudy commented
    July 09, 2015 01:44

    Just lost my whole comment...forgot to do the secondary sign in first.


    I would also like to see Post Date in NXT.  We run all reports (and dashboards) off of Post Date, and it could be confusing when someone tries to look up detail info in NXT and the date appears to be "wrong."

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