Automatic Association (Link) for Appeals Funds Campaigns on Gift Entry

An ability for Appeal, Fund, and Campaign records, to automatically associate themselves with each other after a gift they are linked on, is saved... I know we can manually link Appeals, Funds, Campaigns on their appropriate tabs from within those records... but the added ability for these records to 'Automatically' link and add themselves onto the appropriate tabs (of Appeals, Funds, Campaigns) on an ongoing basis, as gift records were entered... would be outstanding!

Example:  A 'Year-end Appeal', not previously listed on Appeals Tab of the '2017 Campaign' record, is added to a gift, which is then saved... The then previously unassociated 'Year-end Appeal' would magically, automatically appear as linked on the Appeals tab of said '2017 Campaign' record, where it was previous not listed...

 ...which makes sense... because now it is associated... via the newly saved gift...

  • Gerald Ollison
  • Sep 8 2017
  • Attach files