Easier Rearranging Emails and Phone Numbers

The list of phone numbers and emails match how it is in RE, but there is no way to easily rearrange them put the most used on top, except for marking it primary. Our database was set up (before I started) so that both the constituent and spouse contact information is listed under the constituent. We may have 4 emails or phone numbers, it would be nice to be able to rearrange them with the most used on top.

  • Brian Frank
  • Sep 25 2015
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    November 10, 2015 16:25

    Yes! I would love to be able to have RE list the Home (or Main) first, email second, and cell third. That way when someone changes the Cell to "Bad Phone" and adds a new Cell number, the system would resort and put the new Cell as the third on the record.

  • Jen Claudy commented
    October 12, 2015 20:02

    How would RE know which is most used?  I would like to be able to set a sort order by Phone Type in Config, though.  Or some way of being able to sort the Address Tab and Phone Grids by clicking on columns.