Time saver for Data Entry Projects: User Options for Screen Display

Time saver for Data Entry Projects: In database view, I have the option of choosing which tab of a constituent record the file opens to when looking up constituents. i.e. I am working on adding an attribute, every constituent I type in the database view opens on the attribute tab for ease of data entry. The same with gifts: If working with gifts, it would be also time saving for those doing data entry and audits, to remain in "Work with gifts" when you type in a new constituent to view. Currently I have to start over scroll to the panel, then click work with gifts which is time consuming for repetitive project work. PLEASE, PLEASE consider the DBA when building out NXT. IF the database is going away, we still need timesaving features to do our work. i.e. would love to hit f3 for today’s date, sounds minor but is a huge time saver.

  • Nancy Hartman
  • Jul 28 2017
  • Attach files
  • Jen Claudy commented
    August 01, 2017 20:55

    Or even date entry that doesn't require slashes.  I love typing 073117 for yesterday's date instead of 7/31/2017.  Only 3 keystrokes less, but dang if it doesn't even feel more efficient.  Not to mention typing 2 and getting 8/2/2017...that's saving me 7 keystrokes!