Provide option to edit custom fields in actions as well as see custom fields in list view

This attribute provide much more detail that we can query on identify trends/analytics around this detail.  Relationship managers cannot see this critical information currently.

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  • Jul 11 2017
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    • Guest commented
      September 12, 2022 13:23

      YES! Ability to turn on 'List Edit View', where you can click into a field from a list (without any popups), make an edit, click out, and then the change is saved on the profile. Agree with other commentors that this is needed in NXT web-view for all types of lists, including Constituent and Action lists.

    • Susan Raymer commented
      August 09, 2021 17:36

      This is really needed in both edit and action lists. make webview more user friendly for those that don't have the time or inclination to use database view. Asking most users to be fluent in both tends to turn them off from either.

    • Amy Collard commented
      May 23, 2019 17:15

      We, too, need to be able to filter by custom field in Action lists.

    • J U commented
      September 18, 2018 21:37

      Hi. I agree, this would be helpful. Also why can't we see Custom Fields as a column in the action list? If we can select and add/remove specific information into an action in RE NXT Web View, we should be able to filter on it, and also create columns/sort columns on it. Doesn't make sense why it is not included. Thanks for listening to our feedback.

    • Gary Cook commented
      March 22, 2018 15:07

      We have had do abandon NXT action lists in favor of database view exports to track campaign actions.  We need the custom field/attribute values in order to make action lists a usable tool.

    • Matt Haynes commented
      December 21, 2017 15:28

      Please implement this feature - we have a department that still needs to rely on database view to run a report illustrating some action attributes we've created.  With gift and constituent lists offering custom fields, hopefully you can do this quickly for action lists.

    • Matt Haynes commented
      November 16, 2017 16:09

      Now that we can export from the list view - action lists don't seem to export all of the information like a constituent list does - for example the action summary didn't export despite appearing in the list.  


      So in addition to having custom fields be available columns - we'd want to make sure they are exportable when using that feature.