Ability to flag records in lists

We use lists for prospecting before moving constituents into portfolios.  There is, however, no way to track which records have been reviewed or any intermediate status before assigning to a fundraiser's portfolio.  The ability to add flags to records in lists -- and to filter by those flags -- would make the lists much more useful. 

  • Gary Cook
  • Jul 6 2017
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Gary Cook commented
    January 10, 2018 19:06

    Thanks, Jarod. Since submitting this idea, I have begun using custom fields (e.g. “inventory status”) for this purpose with good success. A flag would be a quick and helpful visual for temporarily noting records that you want to return to, but the custom field at least allows you to sort the list by status.

  • Jarod Bonino commented
    January 10, 2018 18:45

    Just a quick thought - if you have the Prospect module you could absolutely use "Prospect status" for this. Otherwise, I would recommend creating a custom field to track this value which can be filtered by and displayed in the List you are using.

    I hope that helps! If not, please do let me know if I'm missing a nuance to the request.