Add school type field as a filter in the education section of the constituent list

Along with education attributes, we would like to filter on the school type field in the education section of the constituent list.  We use this field to differentiate alumni from different colleges (school of business, college of law, etc.).  Being able to filter on that field would greatly enhance the functionality of the lists.

  • Guest
  • May 25 2017
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  • Delia Escobar commented
    May 14, 2019 18:03

    This is really critical for us to have because this is were we list the different colleges at the university. 

  • Jill Gerig commented
    March 05, 2019 15:05

    We use this field in the same way to differentiate between colleges.  It is crucial for us to have this field available as a filter and an export field in NXT.

  • Karen Laing commented
    July 25, 2017 00:41

    We want to roll out our alumni engagement at a school level using NXT, but it is very difficult when you can't produce a dynamic list of their alumni.  This would significantly help us improve our engagement and constituent management.