Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit RENXT-I-331 Analyze > Opportunity > Simplify date filters.

Analyse opportunities date filter Merged

The date filters for most of the analyse tabs are great. Can't we have the same type of the dates on analyse - opportunities? Its fiddly having to manually select each month in the FY we are looking at. It would also be great if some additional fields were available here, we have co-opted and renamed two fields that are really key to analysing our opportunities. 

  • Tammy Yugin
  • May 24 2017
  • Jen Claudy commented
    July 23, 2018 01:27

    My recommendation to a client was to create a dummy Constituent Record with 12 dummy with Ask and Expected Dates in January, one for February, etc. for the entire fiscal year.  That way, when their large team of Fundraisers use those Analyze Reports, they don't have to always remember to update the Date Filters.