Currently custom fields are hidden off in a sort of pseudo-tab menu when entering a gift. Navigating to the custom field pseudo-tab removes visibility of the rest of the gift information, which is an annoyance in and of itself, leaving the person entering the gift with no means of cross-checking the data they're about to enter.
Additionally, when saving the gift from the custom fields pseudo-tab and moving to a new gift in a batch, the interface remains on the custom field tab, requiring an additional mouse navigation and click action from the user per each gift record in the batch (unless the user decides to adopt a sort of serpentine entry pattern where every other gift has their custom field data entered first).
The biggest issue is simply that it puts the custom fields out of sight by default, and even mutually exclusive to the "main" gift fields. It makes it harder to double check your custom field entries, and even easier to just plain forget to enter them. Custom fields may be considered auxiliary by Blackbaud from a technical perspective, but for many of your users this information is critical. Please ditch the pseudo-tab segregation and unify the gift entry interface to get all of our fields onto one screen.