Adding all giving types to giving statements in NXT (webview)
When pulling annual giving statements stock gifts are excluded in a constituent's statement of giving. Can you please add a section to choose which GIFT TYPES can be included in these statement or include all.
YES! A select/deselect option would be great for gift types. Lack of Gift type: Other and Gift type: Stock.. has left us with either deciding to completely change procedures to something less accurate, or don't use giving statements and don't implement donor portal, or risk decreased trust from donors when they receive / generate a giving statement that is missing legitimate giving.
I was SHOCKED to learn that ALL gift types aren't included by default .... without an option to select / deselect gift types. Stock gifts are quite common for us and these statements are unusable for us until this is resolved (which is a shame because the feature functionality to identify donors and automate the distribution is quite good.
YES! A select/deselect option would be great for gift types. Lack of Gift type: Other and Gift type: Stock.. has left us with either deciding to completely change procedures to something less accurate, or don't use giving statements and don't implement donor portal, or risk decreased trust from donors when they receive / generate a giving statement that is missing legitimate giving.
I was SHOCKED to learn that ALL gift types aren't included by default .... without an option to select / deselect gift types. Stock gifts are quite common for us and these statements are unusable for us until this is resolved (which is a shame because the feature functionality to identify donors and automate the distribution is quite good.