Many users currently use this field in database view query. Even if it perceived to be a "low usage" field it is a very important field for analysis, annual reports, and stewardship purposes. There are no other easy ways to get at this information without a convoluted work around. Additionally, the consecutive years given field seen in webview on the constituent record cannot be exported, nor can we adjust what is included in that field. That particular field counts event fees as "gifts" whereas in query we can apply filters to only count those gift types - or gifts to certain funds - in calculating total number of consecutive years.
We use this feature often for Major Gift and PLanned Giving prospecting.
Please bring this feature to webview. We use it frequently for segmenting solicitations, stewardship of donors, and generally keeping an eye on our "pipeline". It is not easily duplicated without a significant amount of work.
We use this function weekly. Please do not scrap this feature.
Hope you will include with Webview. This feature offers an important way to look at constituents
Agree this is a feature that should be available for enhanced stewardship practices.
Such an important function that would be great to see in web view. Helps with planning and donor milestone projections, segmentation and so much more. Data drives decisions and this needs to be an output field we can build on.
Agree RE; Ability to query on Consecutive Years Giving in NXT (webview) Query
The ability to query for consecutive years is an important function. Please reconsider adding this to web view query functionality. All the summary information query options in database view are important as well. DO NOT remove access to database use.
Consecutive years giving helps determine a number of factors including segmentation of mailing lists, as well as help determine who might be potential planned giving prospects, sustaining (monthly) donors, mid or major level donors, etc. It is critical to have the ability to review this information easily.
Consecutive years giving is one of the most often asked question in fundraising. As a fundraising donor database, it is incredibly important we have the ability to query on this in an effective manner.
This is an extremely valuable object for data-driven fundraising since consecutive years giving is such a reliable indicator of donor loyalty and also correlates with lifetime donor value. It might not be used as frequently as it should be, but that just means more Blackbaud clients need to shift to a more data-driven approach!
I have regularly used this field for important queries and reports, and I think it is "low usage" because many users are not aware that it exists OR need to run that calculation based on fiscal year and not calendar year. In my experience, those are the two issues and why it might show up as "low usage".
This is largely why users cannot adopt webview functionality while you iterate on it.
Please reconsider consecutive years giving AND how you evaluate "low usage".
This is an important feature as we use it to track our Alumni engagement, it is part of our donor recognition on our annual report
We also don't know how the consecutive years given report will function in NXT once reporting is brought over. Or if that report will even be brought over to webview. This field is really needed in query.
I second everything on this idea. Consecutive Years Giving was already a frustratingly difficult metric (and bafflingly so) in RE. Removing the ability to have this as an output field in query or as a query criteria field makes it even harder for us to get usable data around that metric - especially if we want to see it in relation to other data. Just because we aren't using it in a large number of queries, does not mean that using the field in query isn't critical usage. Removing access to this field is short sighted and will make the system less useful than it was before.
This idea is different and is specifically referring to the consecutive years giving field on the Giving Tile.
There is now way to adjust what is included in that number - which means event fees are counted even though those are "technically" not gifts.
But by having it in query we can apply filters to fine tune which gift types and funds we wish to count towards our consecutive years. This allows users to identify consecutive year donors to just the Annual Fund for example. So while I like the idea in Idea #26 it is a different idea and should not be merged. BOTH of these ideas should be available features - but they are very different things.
This idea is for Export specifically so technically different, but putting here in case BB thinks they can be merged.
Ability to export Donor's Consecutive Years of Giving
Please add to WBV.
This is an important summary field. I have used this when creating lists of prospective planned giving donors or monthly donors. For those, it doesn't necessarily matter what years, just that they have been a valued supporter for consecutive years sometime in the past.
We use this for our giving society inductions and to determine who gets invited to certain events, etc. This is a need.