Primary address moves to top of list in RE NXT, but doesn't move and by default is added to the bottom of the list in database view. Also, we can't move addresses up and down the list manually in RE NXT

This issue may be specific to how my institution uses our database, however, I feel it is also an issue of inconsistency and could benefit other institutions as well.

Since the database view has always had those up and down arrows on the addresses tab of a constituent's record, in the past we've had the policy of moving the current/active/preferred address to the top of the list (instead of where it appears at the bottom of the list, by default). We've done this since we began using RE, so I can't really undo it. There's no global change available for something like that.

When you add an address in RE NXT, it adds it to the bottom of the list in database view, and there's not a way to bump it up to the top of the list without going into database view and changing it there. If you close out of the record in RE NXT and come back into it, it does move the preferred/primary address to the top of the list in RE NXT, but it doesn't actually move it in database view. I guess what I'm asking for here is the ability to move addresses up and down in the list in such a way that actually effects their order in database view as well.

Any change in list order that happens in NXT should also happen in database view.

  • Eric Baerg
  • Apr 13 2017
  • Attach files
  • Jen Claudy commented
    May 05, 2017 19:27

    Learn something new every day...I had never noticed the arrows on the Address Tab in RE:7 before!  However, I've often wanted (and tried before remembering that it does nothing) to click a column on that tab to sort Addresses (by any of the fields showing).  It would certainly be helpful when looking for addresses of a particular type, Info Source, seasonal, etc.  Or to sort by address and remove duplicates.

  • Candy Reichert commented
    April 13, 2017 15:33

    It would be nice if the preferred address in RE would automatically move to the top of the list, similar to the way the Phone/Emails do.