Make the necessary changes to allow automatic recurring gift in NXT to default to Do Not Receipt and Do Not Post!

According to Chat Representative, these things are hard coded into the system. I have 75 recurring gifts that I converted from database to NXT because they would run automatically and save me time. We do not use the receipting in the system (because we receipt from 2 different departments and need 2 different receipt formats) and we do not post to a G/L. So now, every time I go to approve the NXT batches, I have to open the batch to edit gifts, go into each transaction, change Needs receipt to Do Not Receipt, change Post to G/L to Do Not Post to G/L, save the transaction, then rinse and repeat with all the other transactions before I Approve the batch. This was never a problem in Database View! Consider how many clicks that is for 75 transactions! Repetitive stress in my mouse finger is taking a huge toll.

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  • Sep 11 2024
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