Ability to decline transaction in batch management

Occasionally someone will inadvertently use our form to make a fee payment. It would be ideal for our gift processor to have determination of what goes into Raiser's Edge based on our gift acceptance policy.
Once the transaction is made online, the cash goes to BBMS. The gift goes to batch. The gift processor can look at the gift and determine if it fits gift criteria. If it does, she approves. If it does not, she rejects the batch. This rejected batch could still be exported for Finance. (In my vision.) Otherwise, it would still be in BBMS, but not in Raiser's Edge, which would still be visible for Finance.
A change in process would be: The purchaser would receive transaction confirmation but not a RECEIPT until the donation is approved by the gift processor.
This would be ideal for us, as a mid-sized institution with some growing pains, and some campus partners doing small fundraising activity not knowing that tee-shirt sales aren't philanthropic. Or, a parent paying for a campus fee. We have to adjust these to zero, send a letter stating there was no gift, and then our Finance team has to do additional work, which costs more than the original transaction and maybe the student fee.

  • Hillary Cote
  • Aug 5 2024
  • Attach files