Option to hide fields not used from the Constituent Summary tile

In the last update for NXT, five new fields now crowd the Constituent Summary tile.




As can be chosen in database view, these fields can be hidden so that they don’t appear on the Bio 2 tab, I would love this functionality in webview too, as we don’t use most of these fields and they now crowd that tile

  • Rebecca Tuszynski
  • Jul 25 2024
  • Attach files
  • Andrea Scarth commented
    15 Aug 15:17

    I really hope the option to hide these fields is developed. In this day and age, having an ethnicity or religion field seems very inappropriate. Also, income should be a dropdown with ranges, as that also seems very intrusive. It also really crowds the panel, making it more difficult to find other information. Please make the display of these fields optional!

  • Devan Caton commented
    31 Jul 15:26

    It would be best if the field configurations would just carry over from database view to web view. I would prefer to not have to mark a field as hidden in both views.

  • Kim Wright commented
    25 Jul 10:30

    Oh my word, I completely agree, We don't need most of this information and could with the ability to hide it as it is not helpful clogging up the page.