Enhance Donor Cover Feature to Improve Donor Experience and Transparency

We appreciate the Donor Cover feature in RE NXT as it aims to maximize the funds received by our organization. However, we have encountered several significant issues with its current implementation, leading to donor dissatisfaction and potential loss of support. We would like to propose the following enhancements to improve the donor experience and maintain transparency:

  1. Default Unchecked Option for Donor Cover:

    • Currently, the Donor Cover checkbox is pre-checked by default. This inconspicuous checked box is often overlooked by donors, leading to unexpected additional charges. We propose changing the default setting to unchecked, allowing donors to opt-in explicitly if they wish to cover the processing fees.

  2. Clear and Prominent Notification:

    • To ensure donors are fully aware of the Donor Cover option, we suggest implementing a more noticeable and clear notification on the donation form. This notification should inform donors about the additional charge and the purpose of covering processing fees.

  3. Flexible Percentage for Donor Cover:

    • The current 10% charge for Donor Cover is perceived as high by many of our donors. Providing organizations with the ability to set a custom percentage for this fee would help align it with donor expectations and reduce the likelihood of disputes.

  4. Visibility of Donor Cover in Settled Transactions:

    • As Blackbaud clients, we are unable to see the Donor Cover charge in the settled transactions, making it difficult to address donor concerns promptly. Including this information in transaction details would enhance transparency and allow us to provide better support to our donors.


  • Improved donor satisfaction and trust by ensuring they are fully aware of any additional charges.

  • Reduced transaction disputes, leading to a more efficient donation process.

  • Greater flexibility for organizations to set a Donor Cover percentage that suits their donor base.

  • Enhanced transparency in transaction details for better donor support and relationship management.

These enhancements may help to improve the usability and acceptance of the Donor Cover feature, ultimately benefiting both donors and organizations.

  • Suzanne Hopkins
  • Jun 18 2024
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